Happily, much of what he shared is not rocket science! Turns out, it's the small, simple things, correctly done over and over again, that achieve huge results. Sometimes though, in our instant-gratification world, it's hard to wait long enough for our efforts to compound. That "waiting period" is when many folks give up on their dreams - but as you'll find out when you read Darren Hardy's book, specific core principles will drive your success, personally and in business. For Darren Hardy, and for you and me, it comes down to:

• Habits - Do you have success routines or slothful habits?
• Momentum - When you're "on" do you keep going, or take a vacation?
• Influences - Are you listening to dream builders or dream stealers?
• Acceleration - Are you on fire or do you wait for "the right time"?
For many years, I've found that focusing on small, incremental changes over time in all aspects of my life has allowed me to achieve great things. I heartily recommend you read The Compound Effect. When you've implemented the simple steps he recommends, let me know how your business or life has changed! I know this works...I live each and every day that way.